Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Simple Remedy for Acne

Every one would say that they have encountered one enemy that is appearing over their faces or back; this thing that make almost every one of us paranoid: The Acne or pimple that was ruining our very appealing feature. We must admit that everyone has experienced this number one enemy especially during our teen years.
Acne was actually formed through the formation of dead cells and dirt on our face. It could also be hormonal or depend on the food we are taking in. And if it wasn’t taken for granted, it might as well leave scars or dark spots which will stay on your face on a long term if you don’t have the riches for treatment.

But good news there is! Before the acne comes worst, there are treatments that could only be found in the gardens of our house that we can use against these enemies.

1.       Papaya – It should be ripe. Mixed 3 spoonful of mashed papaya and 1 spoonful of Kalamansi (Chinese Orange) juice. Massage the mixture over your clean face. Let it be on your face for 30 minutes then wash your face with warm water. If possible, let it be on your face for a longer period of time.

Papaya was not just a good remedial for acne; it was also rich in vitamin E which is good for softer and whiter skin. The kalamansi was then rich in vitamin C which is an excellent ingredient for aging skin.

2.       Aloe Vera – Get a leaf of aloe vera and peel of the skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water then massage the dew of the leaf over your face. Let it stay for 30 minutes or for longer time if you can bear it (aloe vera was a little bit itchy on your face). Wash your face.

Aloe vera was very rich in Vitamin E. This was also good for growing hairs and removing dandruff on your scalp.

3.       Rosemary – Get at least 5 leaves of rosemary then smash it.  Wash your face with lukewarm water then massage the dew over it. Put this for at least an hour or for the rest of the day then wash it afterwards.

Rosemary has antioxidants which help us enhance and nourishes our skin.

All of this could be found either in your garden or inside your kitchen. This was effective in a natural way. But before acne attacks your precious face, there are many ways on how to prevent them up already.

1.       Wash your face and used a soap or facial wash that is appropriate for your skin regularly to remove the dirt that you got outside.

2.       Let the pores of your face be steam up to lukewarm water for 15 minutes for dirt to be removed and to relax it up.

3.       You can massage your face with ice to tighten your pores and to cool it up.

4.       Don’t touch your pimples with your hands and don’t squeeze it for it might cause scars and infection to you. (This was the common act that we are doing to them and it’s a DON’T!)

5.       Get enough of sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every day.

6.       Avoid eating too much food that is rich in sugar and starch. They are great producer of hormones and substances which is a great contributor for the formation of acne and pimple.

7.       Always drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables. Always remember that it was not just the thing that we are putting ‘outside’ that’ll make us beautiful longer, but what we are taking inside.  

Having beautiful skin won’t be that hard if we are always taking of our self. There always ways on how we take good care of them without spending bunch of money! Just turn to your kitchen and voila! There are other things that could help us be pretty in a healthier way. We can rid of this archenemy on our face and win to them over and over again! Just always take care of yourself.

Stay pretty and healthy!


  1. hahaha over te clez! beauty expert ang drama mo nayon ah! hahaha

  2. Ahehe.. jan na ko magfofocus as of this coming months....
